CENSO Lavande

Filière des huiles essentielles françaises de lavande et lavandin

CENSO Lavande


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A natural and solidarity commitment

How it all started

A workgroup initiated by CIHEF and ONIPPAM (FranceAgriMer since 2009) was set up in October 2007 to draft a sustainable development strategy for the lavender and lavandin essential oils sector with AFNOR providing methodological support.

The workgroup was made up of the stakeholders of the sector and the representatives of some of the interested parties. This strategy was to be the first step in the continuing progress objective set by the sector stakeholders who are committed to a citizen-based and responsible approach.

Sustainable development in brief

Sustainable development is an economic mode which aims at reconciling economic, technological, and social progress with environmental preservation, an essential heritage to be transmitted to future generations.

Here is the definition proposed in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in the Brundtland Report : « Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future.»

Diagram of sustainable development

: Social parity, economic efficiency and environmental

Sustainable development is based on 3 pillars: Social parity, economic efficiency and environmental respect.

The sustainable development Charter : stakeholders’ commitments

Lavender and lavandin producers are anxious to share the views and objectives which will put them among the most exemplary sectors of XXIst century.

            Producers, distillers and first marketers of essential oils are committed to:

  • Certifying the quality of the products and a production method which is respectful of the environment in order to increase the trust shown by the interested parties through a greater transparency.
  • Adapting and securing the offer through constructive inter-trade relationships and efficient intelligence tools.
  • Investing in the compliance of the operators of the sector with REACH regulations.
  • Encouraging the development of quality, traced productions, specifically those from organic farming.
  • Promoting the sector products and men and their traditional know-how.
  • Guaranteeing a fair income for the producers and a fair distribution of the added value.
  • Elaborating a « Quality safety Environment » training program for the producers, distillers and marketers.
  • Devoting most of the research actions to actions enabling the sector to fulfill its commitments in the field of sustainable development.
  • Setting up regular discussion with the stakeholders of the territory to encourage the emergence of joint actions.
  • Initiating a Euro-Mediterranean strategy for the sustainable development of essential oil productions.

signature de la charte par le Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche, Michel Barnier, lors du Salon Planète Durable.

(Photo : FranceAgriMer)




This charter was signed on 10th April 2008 by the Minister of Agriculture and Fishery, Michel Barnier, during the Planète Durable Fair.

The Censo approach was created in order to meet the requirements of the first point of the Charter regarding the certification of the quality and the production mode of French essential oils.


the participation of

France AgriMer

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises

Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque, France
Tél. : +334 92 87 38 09

Réalisation : Stratis

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises
Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque
Tél. : 04 92 87 38 09
