CENSO Lavande

Filière des huiles essentielles françaises de lavande et lavandin

CENSO Lavande


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A natural and solidarity commitment

Censo Events


The organization team

The Censo approach is organized and coordinated by Aurélie Gommé, chargée de mission for sustainable development in CIHEF (Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises).

Contact : censo@cihef.org

Le Censo steering committee is made up of representatives of the different types of structure and enables collective decision-making on Censo approach orientations.

To see its composition, click here.

Interventions are carried out during a number of meetings in order to present the Censo sustainable development approach to producers and distillers of lavender and lavandin essential oils.

The following interventions took place in 2010 :

  • 19th January 2010: General Meeting of the Syndicat des producteurs de plantes à parfum des Alpes de Haute-Provence
  • 18th February 2010: Presentation to producers distilling with Bontoux SA
  • 23rd February 2010: General Meeting of the Coopérative France Lavande
  • 12th March 2010: Presentation to the producers of the Coopérative Parfum Provence Ventoux
  • 24th March 2010: General meeting of the Fédération des producteurs de lavandes lavandins de la Drôme et de l’Ardèche
  • 30th March 2010: Journée Professionnelle FranceAgriMer – Volx 
  • 8th June 2010 : presentation during the creation of the Syndicat des Distillateurs du Vaucluse
(Photo : CIHEF)

(Photo : CIHEF)

A round table was organized on the theme of: sustainable development, committing to a responsible sector. The speakers were:

  • Alain Aubanel: chairman of CIHEF
  • Michel Krausz: manager of CIHEF
  • Aurélie Gommé (CIHEF): presentation of the state of progress of the Censo approach on sustainable development of the lavender/lavandin sector.
  • Matthias Vergier (France Lavande): Testimonial of a lavender grower committed to the Censo approach.
  • Rémy Bontoux (Bontoux SA): Role and commitment of first marketers.
  • Bernard Toulemonde (IFF): Expectations of the users of essential oils and interest for Censo.

Presentation of Censo to the downstream sector

CENSO at Nat’Expo

A first approach to Censo took place during the Nat’Expo Trade Fair (Professional trade fair for responsible, sustainable and ecological consumption) in October 2009 : a workshop was organized in view of reporting on the French lavender and lavandin production, on the sector’s sustainable development charter and its progress and on the first results of the analysis of the lavender life cycle by SITI.

(Photo : CIHEF)

(Photo : CIHEF)

CENSO at the International Agricultural Fair in Paris

On 4th and 5th March 2010, events around Censo were proposed respectively on the Rhône-Alpes Chambers of Agriculture stand and on the Conseil Général de la Drôme stand.

5th March 2010 : Presentation of the approach on the Conseil Général de la Drôme stand – Presence of M. Bertrand Delanoë, Mayor of Paris


Events around the lavender/lavandin sector and Censo were also proposed.



(Photo : CIHEF)

(Photo : CIHEF)

CENSO at the WPC (World Perfumery Congress) in Cannes

Censo was notably highlighted on the Cihef-FranceAgriMer stand during the WPC (World Perfumery Congress) on 1st to 4th June 2010 in Cannes. An inauguration cocktail for the stand enabled the launching of Censo and the presentation of the tonnages of Censo products available for the 2010 campaign to professional perfumers.

CIHEF-FranceAgriMer stand at WPC (Photo : CIHEF)

CIHEF-FranceAgriMer stand at WPC (Photo : CIHEF)

CENSO and the Grasse perfumery operators

Cooperative projects are in progress with the members of the Club des Entrepreneurs de Grasse who have set up a societal responsibility approach for their firms (RSE).

Training courses

Vivea training courses are organized for producers and distillers to present the principles of sustainable development and the Censo approach, to detail the contents of the specifications, report on regulations, etc.

The first training sessions took place on 18th May and 8th November 2010 in Forcalquier.

If you are interested or you have ideas of training themes (phytosanitary products, distillery safety, etc), please contact us:  contact@censo-lavande.fr

Specific communication tools

(Photo : CIHEF)

(Photo : CIHEF)

Specific communication tools   

Besides a logo and a graphic charter created to promote Censo, other tools have been developed around the Censo approach. Here are some of them:

Censo promotional gifts:

Printed test tubes containing lavandin (Grosso, Abrial) or lavender essential oils.



Other communication tools include the development of this website.

Other projects are also in progress as for example the development of a film to promote, the associated sector, the stakeholders, etc., for professional trade fairs or buyers of sustainable essential oils.



the participation of

France AgriMer

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises

Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque, France
Tél. : +334 92 87 38 09

Réalisation : Stratis

Comité Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Françaises
Les Quintrands - Route de Volx 04100 Manosque
Tél. : 04 92 87 38 09
